Julia L. Lefebvre
Admitted to Bar, 2011, Ontario
Publications and Presentations
Instructor, “Basics of Psychiatry and the Law”, Forensic Psychiatry, McMaster University, 2021-2024
Presenter, “Lessons Learned from Recent Consent & Capacity Appeals”, Osgoode Certificate in Mental Health Law, 2022-2024
Panelist, Consent and Capacity Practice Panel, Osgoode Certificate in Mental Health Law, 2022-2024
Moderator, “Arrest and Detention of Journalists”, Canadian Media Lawyers Association, Annual Conference, November 8, 2019
Presenter, “Defamation Law: A Practical Guide for Litigators”, Civil Litigation Section, Ontario Bar Association, May 14, 2019
Presenter, “Defamation Law 2019: Current Issues + Emerging Trends”, Osgoode Professional Development, April 29, 2019
Moderator and Program Co-Chair, “SLAPP Law Suits: Practice Essentials”, Entertainment, Media and Communications Law Section, Ontario Bar Association, Institute, March 20, 2019
Presenter, “Social Media Causes of Action”, Social Media and Litigation Seminar, Law Society of Ontario, May 8, 2018
Moderator, “Rethinking Defamation Law: The Setting for Reform”, Defamation Law in the Internet Age, International Conference, Law Commission of Ontario, May 3, 2018
Moderator and Program Co-Chair, “Dealing with Online Defamation”, Entertainment, Media and Communications Law Section, Ontario Bar Association, Institute, February 7, 2018
Presenter, “The Courts SLAPP Back – How judges are interpreting SLAPP legislation”, Canadian Media Lawyers Association, Annual Conference, November 4, 2017
Moderator, “Legal and Practical Avenues for Unmasking Unidentified Internet Posters”, Entertainment, Media and Communications Law Section, Ontario Bar Association, November 10, 2016, Toronto, Ontario
Chair, “Publication Ban Essentials”, Entertainment, Media and Communications Law Bootcamp Series, Ontario Bar Association, May 10, 2016, Toronto, Ontario
Presenter and Author, “Litigation Costs – Costs in Simplified Procedure: Discretion Rules”, Ontario Bar Association, June 1, 2015, Toronto, Ontario
Author, “The new law that will cost Canadians their privacy/Opinion”, Precedent Magazine, December 15, 2014